531 Sicilian Pastries (Desserts) made in sicily;
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   Best TYPICAL PRODUCTS CONFECTIONERY Sicily. From Mandola Paste (which are typical of Sicily, especially in the Catania area and dell'agrigentino, (where the production of this fruit is very rich). The Sicilian almonds, Excellent for its organoleptic quality, In addition to the sweet taste pleasant, a handful of Sicilian almonds a day contributes to the protein needs and are a great natural supplement. the Marzipan King's pasta & Seafood Martorana, consisting of finely divided almond paste and mixed with egg white and sugar. its preparation and packaging provides, in the form and appearance at the end of the preparation process, the perfect imitation or reproduction of fruit and sometimes vegetables or fish. It is a product included in the list of products Typical.) to finish with Soft Nougat Almond (famous all over the world)
Confezione di Pasta di Mandorle da 500 gr. CLASSIC

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GPB.£ 13,34 / US$ 16,24 +++++
brand Tomarchio
Pack of Almond Paste , 500 gr
This Biscuit is one of the great classics of traditional Sicilian sweets, apprecia
  oz.17.6 (gr.500)
zone: pasteman
Mini Crostate Fresche , i biscotti siciliani da breck

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GPB.£ 5,11 / US$ 6,22
brand Gardensicily

  oz.10.56 (gr.300 circa)
zone: qualità artigianal
Biscotti Ferri di Cavallo insuperabili Biscotti da Te 150g

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GPB.£ 4,55 / US$ 5,54
brand Gardensicily

  oz.5.28 (gr.150)
zone: qualità super
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO ALLA MENTA
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GPB.£ 6,35 / US$ 7,73

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO PISTACCHIO

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GPB.£ 6,72 / US$ 8,18
material SOMMITO

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Biscotti a S Biscotti Siciliani Artigianali Biscotti Freschi

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GPB.£ 5,34 / US$ 6,50
brand Gardensicily

  oz.10.56 (gr.300)
zone: qualità artigianal
kit 10 Tazzine Caffè in CIALDA e CIOCCOLATO + OMAGGIO

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GPB.£ 8,46 / US$ 10,30
new Caffe

Panetto di Mandorla per Fare Il Latte di Mandorla o Granita

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GPB.£ 4,00 / US$ 4,87 ++++++
brand GardenSicily

  oz.7.04 (gr.200 )
Panetto pasta mandorla Tomarchio gr 150

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GPB.£ 2,71 / US$ 3,30 ++++
brand Tomarchio
Loaf/ Brick made of Almond paste - Tomarchio gr 150
Comes from the best almonds and carefully selected ingredients, They guarantee the
  oz.5.28 (gr.150)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto MANDORLA TOSTATA
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GPB.£ 6,62 / US$ 8,06

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Torroncini Siciliani alle Mandorle , 500gr

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GPB.£ 13,80 / US$ 16,80
Product Artisan Torroncini
Sicilian Almond Torroncini , 500 gr
The package contains the four flavors produced by the Sweet Food Company: Vanilla,
  oz.17.6 (gr.500)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO LIMONE
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GPB.£ 6,62 / US$ 8,06
Product Artisan SOMMITO

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
zone: Limone
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO AL RUM
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GPB.£ 5,98 / US$ 7,28
Product Artisan SOMMITO

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Confezione Pasta di Mandorle all’Arancia, 500gr

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GPB.£ 19,09 / US$ 23,24 ++++
brand Tomarchio
Pack of Orange Almond Paste , 500gr
This Biscuit is one of the great classics of traditional Sicilian sweets, apprecia
  oz.17.6 (gr.500)
Pasta di Mandorle al Limone , confezione da 500 gr.

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GPB.£ 17,48 / US$ 21,28
brand Tomarchio
Lemon Almond Paste , pack of 500 gr.
This Biscuit is one of the great classics of traditional Sicilian sweets, apprecia
  oz.17.6 (gr.500)
zone: mandorla-limo
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO ROSMARINO
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GPB.£ 6,62 / US$ 8,06

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO MOJITO

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GPB.£ 6,35 / US$ 7,73
brand Sommito

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto ANICE

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GPB.£ 6,44 / US$ 7,84

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Dolci Martorana Imitazione Frutta Mista

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GPB.£ 10,99 / US$ 13,38
brand GardenSicily
Desserts MARTORANA Imitation Mixed Fruits
are traditional marzipan sweets, in the form of fruits and vegetables, from the Si
  oz.7.04 (gr.200)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO ARANCIA
Recipe with product use
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GPB.£ 6,62 / US$ 8,06

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO MOJITO

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GPB.£ 6,35 / US$ 7,73

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO AL SALE
Recipe with product use
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GPB.£ 6,35 / US$ 7,73

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO VANIGLIA
Recipe with product use
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GPB.£ 5,98 / US$ 7,28

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica al Gusto FONDENTE

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GPB.£ 6,44 / US$ 7,84

  lb.220 (kg.100 NETTO)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO CANNELLA

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GPB.£ 5,98 / US$ 7,28

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO LIQUIRIZIA

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GPB.£ 6,44 / US$ 7,84

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Delizia di Pasta di mandorle con Scaglie da 500 gr.

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GPB.£ 14,72 / US$ 17,92
brand Tomarchio
DELIZIA Almond Paste with Flakes , 500 gr pack
Almond Paste with Almond Flakes is one of the great classics of traditional Sicili
  oz.17.6 (gr.500)
Marzapane prodotto in Acireale(CT) Soggetti Assortiti 300 gr

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GPB.£ 18,35 / US$ 22,34
Handmade Marzipan - Assorted subjects - 300 gr
is a confection consisting primarily of sugar and almond meal . Is a typical Sicil
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica Gusto CIOCCOLATO MOJITO

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GPB.£ 6,44 / US$ 7,84

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
Bottega del Cioccolato di Modica al Gusto PEPERONCINO FORTE
Recipe with product use
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GPB.£ 6,90 / US$ 8,40

  oz.3.52 (gr.100 NETTO)
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